Enrollment options

DATE: Thursday, February 18, 2021
TIME: 4:15 - 5:15 P.M.
PRESENTER: Beth Skelton
Developing Writing Across the Curriculum for English Learners: In this hour-long session, you will learn how to analyze your English Learners’ writing with a Can Do lens, build on their strengths, and implement strategies that develop improved complexity in academic writing across the curriculum. This session is appropriate for K-12 teachers who work with English Learners. Bring a student writing sample from your class, if you have one. Objectives: 1) Analyze student writing to determine next steps in instruction 2)Implement strategies that develop academic writing across the curriculum
ECBOCES Members Event Registration
ECBOCES Members Event Registration

The course requires payment ONLY for those that are not members of an ECBOCES district. If you are an ECBOCES member and do not see a Register button above, please contact our help desk.

Cost: USD 100.00

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