Section: Resources | EC BOCES Gifted Program | ECBOCES

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  • Parent and Family Communication

    Parents in the ECBOCES region are informed about access to identification procedures through each district’s Gifted Education Handbook which is posted on all district websites.  The handbook includes an overview of identification procedures including referral and screening procedures, collection and team review of the body of evidence, types of evidence collected, and state criteria for identification. 


    Parents and families are educated about giftedness and parenting gifted students by attending parent sessions at twice yearly regional gifted education events.  Professional speakers present relevant information based on the needs and requests of parents of East Central BOCES gifted children.  Parents are also encouraged to visit the East Central BOCES gifted education webpage where they have access to lists of gifted organizations; general GT information; specific information on social and emotional issues; lists of recommended books, journals, and magazines for parents and students; and academic contests for gifted children.  An ECBOCES GT Advisory Committee was created in the spring of 2016.  Members include parents, teachers, and administrators from the region.

    For College and Career information for gifted students, parents can check their district's website calendar for events or contact their district GT coordinator. 



  • Resources

    ECBOCES has a variety of gifted education resources, assessment tools, and curriculum extension materials available for teachers and gifted education coordinators in our member districts to check-out and use in their classroom. Some of these resources are listed below.  Please contact Marianne Johnson at to inquire about other resources available and to check out resources and have them delivered to your district.  


    A Teacher’s Guide to Using the Common Core State Standards with Mathematically Gifted and Advanced Learners. Author: Johnsen, Susan K. Ph. D.

    Using the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics with Gifted and Advanced Learners. Author: VanTasel-Baska, Joyce Ed.D

    Beyond Base Ten. Author: Johnson, Dana T.

    Using the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics with Gifted and Advanced Learners. Author: Johnsen, Susan K. Ph.D.

    Moving Through Dimensions. Author: Johnson, Dana T.

    Polygons Galore! Author: Johnson, Dana T.

    Spatial Reasoning. Author: Johnson, Dana T.

    Splash. Tonneson, Virginia Caine Ph. D.

    Extending the Challenge in Mathematics. Author: Sheffield, Linda Jensen

    Identifying and Nurturing Math Talent. Author: Gavin, M. Katherine Ph.D.

    Language Arts 

    A Teacher's Guide to Using the Common Core State Standards with Gifted and Advanced Leaners in the English Language Arts.  Author: Hughes, Claire,Ph.D; Kettler, Todd, Ph.D.

    Using the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts with Gifted and Advanced Learners. Author: VanTasel-Baska, Joyce Ed.D.

    Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program Primary 1. Author: VanTassel-Baska, Joyce L. Ed. D.; Stambaugh, Tamra Ph.D.

    Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program Primary 2. Author: VanTassel-Baska, Joyce L. Ed. D.; Stambaugh, Tamra Ph.D.

    Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program Elementary 1. Author: VanTassel-Baska, Joyce L. Ed. D.; Stambaugh, Tamra Ph.D.

    Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program Elementary 2. Author: VanTassel-Baska, Joyce L. Ed. D.; Stambaugh, Tamra Ph.D.

    Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program Middle School 3. Author: VanTassel-Baska, Joyce L. Ed. D.; Stambaugh, Tamra Ph.D.

    Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program Middle School 4. Author: VanTassel-Baska, Joyce L. Ed. D.; Stambaugh, Tamra Ph.D.

    Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program Middle School 5. Author: VanTassel-Baska, Joyce L. Ed. D.; Stambaugh, Tamra Ph.D.

    Literature Celebrations: Catalysts to High-Level Book Responses. Author: KIngore, Bertie.

    Independent Study

    Envision : Grade 3. Author: Brondy, Melanie L.

    Envision : Grade 4. Author: Brondy, Melanie L.

    Envision : Grade 5. Author: Brondy, Melanie L.


    Cooperative Learning and Gifted Students Report on Five Case Studies. Author: Coleman, Mary Ruth, James J. Gallagher and Susanne M. Nelson

    Curriculum 21 Essential Education For aChanging World. Author: Jacobs, Heidi Hayes

    Differentiating Instruction With Menus Set (4 Books)( Kit). Author: Westphal, Laurie E.

    Guide Book and Trainer's Manual Successful Teaching in the Differentiated Classroom. Author: Coil, Carolyn

    Making Differentiation A Habit. Author: Heacox, Diane Ed.D.

    Making Differentiation a Habit (Kit) How to Ensure Success in Academically Diverse Classrooms. Author: Heacox, Diane, Ed.D.

    Research-Based Strategies. Author: Payne, Ruby K.

    Successful Teaching in the Differentiated Classroom. Author: Coil, Carolyn

    Teaching Tools for the 21st Century. Author: Coil, Carolyn

    Teaching with Poverty in Mind (Kit). Author: Jensen, Eric


    Creativity Identification Tool Kit

    Torrance Test of Creativity

    Leadership Identification Tool Kit

    Visual Arts Identification Tool Kit

    Cognitive Abilities Test Form 7. Riverside Publishing.

    Scales for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS)


    College Planning for Gifted Students. Author: Berger, Sandra L.

    The Genius in Every Child Elementary Version. Author: Armstrong, Thomas Ph.D. 

    The Gifted Kids Survirval Guide A Teen Handbook. Author: Galbraith, Judy M.A,, Delisle, Jim Ph.D. 

    The Gifted Kids Survival Guide For Ages 10 and under. Author: Galbraith, Judy M.A.

    Gifted Parent Group: The SENG Model. Author: Devries, Arlene, R. M.S.E.; Webb, James T. Ph.D

    Guiding the Gifted Child A practical source for Parents and Teachers. Author: Webb, James T. Ph.D; Meckstroth, Elizabeth A.

    Habits of Mind (Kit) Activating & Engaging, Discovering & Exploring. Author: Costa, Arthur L.; Kallick, Bena

    Social-Emotional Curriculum With Gifted and talented Students. Author: Van Tassel-Baska, Joyce 

    When Gifted Kids Dont Have All the Answers How to Meet Their Social and Emotional Needs. Author: Delisle, Jim Ph.D & Galbraith, Judith M.A.