Section outline

  • Parents in the ECBOCES region are informed about access to identification procedures through each district’s Gifted Education Handbook which is posted on all district websites.  The handbook includes an overview of identification procedures including referral and screening procedures, collection and team review of the body of evidence, types of evidence collected, and state criteria for identification. 


    Parents and families are educated about giftedness and parenting gifted students by attending parent sessions at twice yearly regional gifted education events.  Professional speakers present relevant information based on the needs and requests of parents of East Central BOCES gifted children.  Parents are also encouraged to visit the East Central BOCES gifted education webpage where they have access to lists of gifted organizations; general GT information; specific information on social and emotional issues; lists of recommended books, journals, and magazines for parents and students; and academic contests for gifted children.  An ECBOCES GT Advisory Committee was created in the spring of 2016.  Members include parents, teachers, and administrators from the region.

    For College and Career information for gifted students, parents can check their district's website calendar for events or contact their district GT coordinator.