DATE: Wednesday, September 8, 2021
TIME: 4:15-5:15 P.M.
PRESENTER: JoAnn Anderson
TARGET AUDIENCE: Anyone involved in the EL identification, designation and redesignation process, and if your Data Pipeline Respondent would like to join you, that might be helpful as well.
This one-hour Zoom session will provide a review of EL requirements around English Learner Identification, Designation, Redesignation and coding for Data Pipeline. The session will begin with a 30-45 minute presentation and end with a Q and A. This hour-long event is for anyone involved in the EL identification, designation and redesignation process. If your Data Pipeline Respondent would like to join you, that might be helpful as well, as your district's ELPA and Title III funding is associated with your district's Student October Pupil Enrollment collection numbers. In the past, CDE has noted there were a great number of errors statewide in EL coding as compared to other coding errors. Some clarification on the coding might be of assistance.