
Tuesday, June 4, 2024


6/4/2024 -Unlock the Power of Visible Learning for Literacy K-5

Tuesday, June 4, 9:00 AM » 3:00 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: Isaac Wells LOCATION: East Central BOCES West Training Room DESCRIPTION: Dive deep into the groundbreaking work of John Hattie and explore how Visible Learning can revolutionize your approach to literacy instruction. In this immersive full-day workshop, you will uncover the evidence-based strategies that have the greatest impact on student learning and plan to integrate them into lessons and units. Discover practical techniques to amplify student engagement, foster deeper comprehension, and accelerate progress. Gain insights into the factors that truly drive academic success and learn how to align your teaching practices with the most effective interventions. Empower your students to reach new heights in literacy, and transform your classroom into a dynamic, learning environment in which the students gather and analyze evidence of learning alongside teachers. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the full potential of Visible Learning for Literacy. Email Isaac at isaac@thecorecollaborative.com with any specific questions, context, or requests ahead of time to ensure you get the most out of this day together. Stipend and lunch will be included.
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