
Tuesday, February 20, 2024


2/20/2024 - PD for ALL - SPED Identification Process for Students Who Are Multilingual Learners

Tuesday, February 20, 4:15 PM » 6:15 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: Mitzi Swiatkowski & Leah Price LOCATION: Over Zoom DESCRIPTION: Mitzi and Leah will discuss the compliance process to move through in order to identify multilingual learners with disabilities. You will be paid a $25 stipend for attending this session! Make sure you register and sign in when you attend the session. Changes to attendance will not be made at a later date!
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2/20/2024 - Implementing the Science and Engineering Practices embedded in the Colorado Academic Standards for Science- Session 2

Tuesday, February 20, 4:15 PM » 5:15 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: Samathan Agoos, CDE LOCATION: Over Zoom DESCRIPTION: Description: Educators will share and reflect on their application of the Investigative Practices (Asking Questions, Planning and Carrying out Investigations, and Using Mathematical and Computational Thinking). Educators will identify, define, and apply the Sensemaking Practices (Developing and Using Models, Analyzing and Interpreting Data, and Constructing Explanations) All participants will receive a $25 stipend.
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