
Friday, June 9, 2023


6/9/2023 - Implementing Project-Based and Problem-Based Learning in Mathematics 6-12

Friday, June 9, 9:00 AM » 3:00 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: Kristen Eveland LOCATION: East Central BOCES West Training Room DESCRIPTION: This session will provide a brief review of different resources available and dive deeper into how to use Project and Problem-Based Learning to provide opportunities for practice and application of multiple standards. This type of instruction isn't an add-on, but can take the place of more surface-level activities to increase student ownership, critical thinking, and engagement while meeting your content standards.
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6/9/2023 - 3D Printer Training 102

Friday, June 9, 9:00 AM » 3:00 PM
Site event
PRESENTER: 3D Printing Store LOCATION: East Training Room/Zoom DESCRIPTION: This 3D Printing training will look at more advanced ways setting up your printer, and then move into some more advanced modeling with Fusion 360 Modeling software (free for educators). There will be some robots for giveaways during the training!!
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